How We Saved the World from Rogue AI

Late last year we had the honor and pleasure to join researchers from Cambridge University’s Center for the Study of Existential Risk (CSER) and researchers from Oxford University’s Future of Humanity Institute (FHI) in leading a Design Sprint workshop on an interesting problem: how to help decision makers in tech companies, governments, militaries, and NGOs … Read more

Does This Business Tool Spark Joy?

If you’ve been awake for the past year, you’ve heard of Marie Kondo, the Japanese home-organizing guru, and her hit Netflix show Tidying Up which features her KonMari method of organization. There’s a good reason why Marie and her method are a hit. In episode after episode she walks into messy, disorganized, heavy American homes … Read more

⚡️ Zoom with a Facilitator

Let's explore during a brief product strategy session with a Sprint facilitator.

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